Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Biggest Mistake Sales People Make When Trying To Earn Money Online

Teaching people how to Earn Money Online it can be as simple as saying they are willing to learn how to build an online business, and then don’t and other times they think they understand the fundamentals of building a business and do not take help when they are offered it. With My Internet Business I continue to seek others advice and expertise. Even though we are recognized as successful entrepreneurs I am always open minded to new online marketing tips and business ideas. You should never close the door on education or help building your online business.

But the worst of all is those that think they can sell and can’t. I have listened horrified as the biggest mistakes a sales person can make when closing a deal. I am not just narrowing this down to Internet Sales but also offline sales. Online Marketing is doing a better job at selling than ever before. It is not as necessary for Internet sales man to get on the phone and sell. With well designed and informative websites that is becoming less of a necessity. However there are those that insist on getting on the phone and selling. Although not as necessary as it once was, some salesman or saleswomen choose to get on the phone and sell. To I think that is wrong, no as long as they know how to close a sale.

Ever hear of verbal vomit, or verbal gutter mouth? Not attractive I know, but that is what I hear out of some sales people. They don’t know when to shut up. I have seen where the customer is ready to buy and someone gets on the phone with them and just talks way to much about how wonderful they are and their business. By the time they are done they have lost the customer, either from a headache or from an upset stomach. But because they just didn’t’ leave well enough alone they lost the sale.

If you want to earn money online and want to talk to people, then learn the right way to close people. First and foremost just follow your customers lead. If they are ready to buy move them to the next level. If they ask a question answer there question with yes and no if possible. People don’t want to understand the formula they just want clear and concise answers. If possible always try to connect with the prospect. Try to be the one in control of the conversation by asking questions and then connecting with them.
Most important treat your potential buyer as a real person. Offer valuable information and follow up with your promises. When you set out to Earn Money Online remember it is not about the sale but more importantly building a reputation and committing to your customers. Remember these key points and your business is on a Passport To Wealth !

Author: Megan Vaillancourt has over 9 years training in Mentoring and Entreprenuerialship she has trained and educated on how to build a successfull online business with her Mentors 4 u organization. Megans Helps people in Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business.

Questions Call Megan Vaillancourt

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