Saturday, February 9, 2008

Can You Still Earn Money Online With Email Marketing

Years ago the Internet World started to see the promise of what the Internet could bring to the business world. Once the buzz caught on to his big .dot com world entrepreneurs started to utilize online marketing tools to enhance their business. Email Marketing became the newest buzz replacing the expense of mass mailing.

However as Internet Business grew so did the email list and spamming issues. Marketers were using mass mailings to promote, and advertise. Societies email box soon were filled with information they didn’t want. Although online marketing sales increased, so did the complaints that consumers rightfully were feeling over the unwanted mail.

Internet Business thought email marketing was dead after Spam Act was released. The Spam Act limited how people could email people. However I think it only enhanced the marketing field and weeded out the disinterested prospects.

In My Internet Business we have compiled statistics and a fair amount of those statistics came from email marketing. While online marketing is a chance for entrepreneurs to get their product or service viewed by people, the fact is you really want to narrow you marketing audience to people who are interested. If you want to Earn Money Online with a vacation package for example why would you want to target people who are economically struggling? In order to earn money online you will have a target audience that will buy from you. Why mix that up with people who don’t want your information.

Email Marketing is no more dead then it was at the beginning. The difference is that we are now only giving our information to people who want it. If people don’t want it then they can opt out, and by then if they don’t want your product or service should you care if they don’t continue to get your Internet Business materials. Of course not.

However, in order to bring a Passport To Wealth with your Internet Business you have to make sure your sales letters are going to work. In my opinion it is time to stop sending the same over hyped emails that consumers get and start offering valuable information to help them make an educated decision. How would an email subject like the next example really make you feel? Earn Money Online Today Thousands Roll l in Tomorrow With No work. I got this exact subject line emailed to me. While I understand what an Internet Business can do, this still left me rolling my eyes and leaving it unopened

You want to have your email series read. Even if you have the most powerful sales letter if your email is not opened what effect will it have? The Most important thing you can do is offer a subject line that will intrigue your readers to open.
The toughest email open is the first 3. Once your readers get to know you many will start to anticipate your emails. The best tips I can give to you for getting your readers intrigued with you is to start to use some of the modern tools. With today’s technology you can really start to relate to your readers.

1.) Use Audio – Talk to you viewers, explain the benefits of joining with you. Why would they enjoy being with you instead of your competition. Let them get to know you. Your voice calling through the computer will allow your potential customers to get a chance to know you.
2.) Video – Putting a visual of yourself talking to your prospects builds a trust factor with you potential customers. Allows them to not just hear but also see you. When you are trying to earn money online, the biggest obstacle one can overcome is the trust factor. We are a visual society and when others can see you it can build a relationship over the Internet.

In conclusion email marketing is certainly not dead; it just means reinventing how it was originally done. In fact I think that after the spam act email marketing has become even more powerful. Working with a smaller group of people who are interested in your product or service compared to mass marketing convincing the masses to be interested in you and what you have to offer. I would rather market to less people and have a higher interest group.
Author: Megan Vaillancourt

Megan is the founder and creator of the highly acclaimed Mentors 4 u Team founded to train entreprenuers how to build their Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business

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