Saturday, February 16, 2008

Free Online Marketing Tips - Creating The Post Powerful You Tube

Earn Money Online With You Tube
How A Funny Script Can Bring High Traffic To An Internet Business - Sample A

Social Media has become a high conversation piece for Internet Business Owners. Decoding Search engine optimization was once the leader in free online marketing techniques that bloggers, media, and web designers would write about. Recently the social media seems to be following persuit, as one of the most talked about marketing tools on the Internet today.

In My Internet Business I have been training my members on the importance of social media. But not only the importance of it but how to respect and follow guide lines to getting the most out of this new marketing craze. We have recently brought in the training for You Tube. With testings we collectively found what types of You Tubes Video's pull the best to get thousands of free visitors to your website.

Last post I did just a generic You Tube Video on Passport To Wealth. But as quality and content goes there is much more inventive ways to draw visitors attention. Each post that I do on You Tube I plan to put a Video That I found that held my interest for the purpose of allowing you to see the different strategies marketers are using in there video creation. Of course with our purposes it is to earn money online, but I want my readers to get a wide variety of styles to assist them in there You Tube Creations.

What Type of Videos Work
1) Funny - That is the example Video you see at the top. We love to laugh, and if you catch your viewers laughing at the beginning then you can bet they will continue to watch your entire video. You want people to watch you entire video. Half of it is not going to work. Connecting with them in a funny, and humerous way will allow you to Connect With Them
2.) Weird - I have had members say how will Weird possibly allow me to Earn Money Online. You would be surprised I have had sales just from the weird effect with My Internet Business. I don't think I am weird or odd but I did this on purpose. Viewers watching a weird video almost has the same effect as funny, yet it may puzzle them and have them looking at the end for the missing piece. Its okay to be a little weird now and then, it makes the Internet not so high tech but a little more realistic.
3.) Shocking - If you can ethically shock people it is going to be a hit. A little shock treatment can go a long way.
4.) Inspiring - To Inspire someone, is always a hit. No matter your product or service everyone has an inspiration piece they can connect with there audience about. Think about this online marketing technique it may be the missing puzzle piece to out sourcing your competition.
5.) Instructional - These are the easiest types of videos to utlize. Creating an Instructional video on how to use a product or service can easily intrigue your viewers. You can do screen shots, or show how a product would work to benefit them.
There are five more ways to draw people to your website using You Tube that we will touch on in the next few postings. Giving you the first five will help you to start creating a base line for You Tube Videos. In online marketing you start in pieces and build off that foundation. Take the Five Tips and start your campaign to earn money online with You Tube and go create your Passport To Wealth.
Megan Vaillancourt is an Author regarding online marketing and building an Internet Business. She founded and Created the highly acclaimed Mentors 4 u Team. Helping entreprenuers building Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business . Live training and one on one mentorship holds the top rated duplicating mentoring team on the Internet

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